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Developer documentation

Ignite is a Go project using well-known libraries like:


and so on.

It uses Go modules as the vendoring mechanism.

Build from source

The only build requirement is Docker.

To build ignite, ignited and ignite-spawn for all supported architectures, run:

make build-all

To only build for a specific architecture, append the architecture to the command:

make build-all-amd64
make build-all-arm64

Pre-commit tidying

Before committing, please run this make target to (re)generate autogenerated content and tidy your local environment:

make autogen tidy

Building reference OS images

make -C images WHAT=ubuntu
make -C images WHAT=centos

Generic instructions on releasing a version

  • Fix all issues in the v0.X.Y milestone
  • Create a v0.X.Y tracking issue (like
  • Update documentation for the latest version (like
  • Make sure your git remote upstream points to, and origin to<user>/ignite.git
  • Get a Github API token with repo access, and put it in bin/gren_token for automatic release note generation
  • Make sure you have access to push to the weaveworks/ignite* repositories to Docker Hub

Releasing a minor version

  • A minor version is done based off the master branch
  • Set the environment variable to tell what minor version to release: export MINOR=X
  • If this is a prerelease, set e.g. export EXTRA=-alpha.1, export EXTRA=-beta.1, or export EXTRA=-rc.1
  • The script to run is hack/ all. It will:
  • Tidy your environment by running make tidy autogen graph and doing a commit
  • Autogenerate the changelog, provisionally using GREN. The script will wait for you to open an editor and manually fixup docs/releases/ Then proceed with Y, which will create the commit to be tagged v0.X.0
  • Create the v0.X.0 tag using git tag
  • Build the release binaries to bin/releases/v0.X.0 and push the weaveworks/ignite:v0.X.0 images and manifest list to Docker Hub
  • Push the tag, and latest commits to the master and newly-created release-0.X branch

Releasing a patch version

  • A patch version is done based off the release-0.X branch
  • Note: Before running the release, git cherrypick relevant commits into the release branch
  • Set the environment variables to tell what patch version to release: export MINOR=X and export PATCH=Y
  • If this is a prerelease, set e.g. export EXTRA=-alpha.1, export EXTRA=-beta.1, or export EXTRA=-rc.1
  • The script to run is hack/ all
  • Tidy your environment by running make tidy autogen graph and doing a commit
  • Autogenerate the changelog, provisionally using GREN. The script will wait for you to open an editor and manually fixup docs/releases/ Then proceed with Y, which will create the commit to be tagged v0.X.Y
  • Create the v0.X.Y tag using git tag
  • Build the release binaries to bin/releases/v0.X.Y and push the weaveworks/ignite:v0.X.Y images and manifest list to Docker Hub
  • Push the tag, and latest commits to the release-0.X branch

Publishing a release

  • Go to Project Releases in the Github UI, and select Draft a new release
  • Select the tag you've just created v0.X.Y from either the master (minor releases) or release-0.X branch
  • Let the release title be v0.X.Y
  • Paste the content in docs/releases/ in the release description, and add installing guidelines as per the earlier releases
  • Upload the binaries in bin/releases/v0.X.Y named as {ignite,ignited}-{amd64,arm64}
  • Click Publish Release and announce to everyone you know!