ignite run

Create a new VM and start it


Create and start a new VM immediately. The image (and kernel) is matched by prefix based on its ID and name. This command accepts all flags used to create and start a VM. The interactive flag (-i, –interactive) can be specified to immediately attach to the started VM after creation.

Example usage: $ ignite run weaveworks/ignite-ubuntu –interactive –name my-vm –cpus 2 –ssh –memory 2GB –size 10G

ignite run <OCI image> [flags]


      --config string            Specify a path to a file with the API resources you want to pass
  -f, --copy-files strings       Copy files/directories from the host to the created VM
      --cpus uint                VM vCPU count, 1 or even numbers between 1 and 32 (default 1)
  -d, --debug                    Debug mode, keep container after VM shutdown
  -h, --help                     help for run
  -i, --interactive              Attach to the VM after starting
      --kernel-args string       Set the command line for the kernel (default "console=ttyS0 reboot=k panic=1 pci=off ip=dhcp")
  -k, --kernel-image oci-image   Specify an OCI image containing the kernel at /boot/vmlinux and optionally, modules (default weaveworks/ignite-kernel:4.19.47)
      --memory size              Amount of RAM to allocate for the VM (default 512.0 MB)
  -n, --name string              Specify the name
  -p, --ports strings            Map host ports to VM ports
  -s, --size size                VM filesystem size, for example 5GB or 2048MB (default 4.0 GB)
      --ssh[=<path>]             Enable SSH for the VM. If <path> is given, it will be imported as the public key. If just '--ssh' is specified, a new keypair will be generated. (default is unset, which disables SSH access to the VM)
  -v, --volumes volume           Expose block devices from the host inside the VM

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log-level loglevel      Specify the loglevel for the program (default info)
      --network-plugin plugin   Network plugin to use. Available options are: [cni docker-bridge] (default cni)
  -q, --quiet                   The quiet mode allows for machine-parsable output by printing only IDs
      --runtime runtime         Container runtime to use. Available options are: [docker containerd] (default containerd)


  • ignite - ignite: easily run Firecracker VMs