ignite exec

execute a command in a running VM


Execute a command in a running VM using SSH and the private key created for it during generation. If no private key was created or wanting to use a different identity file, use the identity file flag (-i, –identity) to override the used identity file. The given VM is matched by prefix based on its ID and name.

ignite exec <vm> <command...> [flags]


  -h, --help              help for exec
  -i, --identity string   Override the vm's default identity file
  -t, --timeout uint32    Timeout waiting for connection in seconds (default 10)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --log-level loglevel      Specify the loglevel for the program (default info)
      --network-plugin plugin   Network plugin to use. Available options are: [cni docker-bridge] (default cni)
  -q, --quiet                   The quiet mode allows for machine-parsable output by printing only IDs
      --runtime runtime         Container runtime to use. Available options are: [docker containerd] (default containerd)


  • ignite - ignite: easily run Firecracker VMs