
import "github.com/weaveworks/ignite/pkg/apis/ignite/v1alpha1"


+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package +k8s:defaulter-gen=TypeMeta +k8s:openapi-gen=true +k8s:conversion-gen=github.com/weaveworks/ignite/pkg/apis/ignite



const (
    KindImage  runtime.Kind = "Image"
    KindKernel runtime.Kind = "Kernel"
    KindVM     runtime.Kind = "VM"
const (
    // GroupName is the group name use in this package
    GroupName = "ignite.weave.works"


var (
    // SchemeBuilder the schema builder
    SchemeBuilder = runtime.NewSchemeBuilder(

    AddToScheme = localSchemeBuilder.AddToScheme
var SchemeGroupVersion = schema.GroupVersion{
    Group:   GroupName,
    Version: "v1alpha1",

SchemeGroupVersion is group version used to register these objects

func Convert_ignite_ImageSpec_To_v1alpha1_ImageSpec

func Convert_ignite_ImageSpec_To_v1alpha1_ImageSpec(in *ignite.ImageSpec, out *ImageSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_ignite_ImageSpec_To_v1alpha1_ImageSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_ignite_KernelSpec_To_v1alpha1_KernelSpec

func Convert_ignite_KernelSpec_To_v1alpha1_KernelSpec(in *ignite.KernelSpec, out *KernelSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_ignite_KernelSpec_To_v1alpha1_KernelSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_ignite_OCIImageSource_To_v1alpha1_OCIImageSource

func Convert_ignite_OCIImageSource_To_v1alpha1_OCIImageSource(in *ignite.OCIImageSource, out *OCIImageSource, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_ignite_OCIImageSource_To_v1alpha1_OCIImageSource calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_ignite_OCI_To_v1alpha1_OCIClaim

func Convert_ignite_OCI_To_v1alpha1_OCIClaim(in *meta.OCIImageRef, out *OCIImageClaim) error

func Convert_ignite_VMImageSpec_To_v1alpha1_VMImageSpec

func Convert_ignite_VMImageSpec_To_v1alpha1_VMImageSpec(in *ignite.VMImageSpec, out *VMImageSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_ignite_VMImageSpec_To_v1alpha1_VMImageSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_ignite_VMKernelSpec_To_v1alpha1_VMKernelSpec

func Convert_ignite_VMKernelSpec_To_v1alpha1_VMKernelSpec(in *ignite.VMKernelSpec, out *VMKernelSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_ignite_VMKernelSpec_To_v1alpha1_VMKernelSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_ignite_VMSpec_To_v1alpha1_VMSpec

func Convert_ignite_VMSpec_To_v1alpha1_VMSpec(in *ignite.VMSpec, out *VMSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_ignite_VMSpec_To_v1alpha1_VMSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_ignite_VMStatus_To_v1alpha1_VMStatus

func Convert_ignite_VMStatus_To_v1alpha1_VMStatus(in *ignite.VMStatus, out *VMStatus, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_ignite_VMStatus_To_v1alpha1_VMStatus calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_v1alpha1_ImageSpec_To_ignite_ImageSpec

func Convert_v1alpha1_ImageSpec_To_ignite_ImageSpec(in *ImageSpec, out *ignite.ImageSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_v1alpha1_ImageSpec_To_ignite_ImageSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_v1alpha1_KernelSpec_To_ignite_KernelSpec

func Convert_v1alpha1_KernelSpec_To_ignite_KernelSpec(in *KernelSpec, out *ignite.KernelSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_v1alpha1_KernelSpec_To_ignite_KernelSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_v1alpha1_OCIClaim_To_ignite_OCI

func Convert_v1alpha1_OCIClaim_To_ignite_OCI(in *OCIImageClaim, out *meta.OCIImageRef) error

func Convert_v1alpha1_OCIImageSource_To_ignite_OCIImageSource

func Convert_v1alpha1_OCIImageSource_To_ignite_OCIImageSource(in *OCIImageSource, out *ignite.OCIImageSource, s conversion.Scope) (err error)

Convert_v1alpha1_OCIImageSource_To_ignite_OCIImageSource calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_v1alpha1_VMImageSpec_To_ignite_VMImageSpec

func Convert_v1alpha1_VMImageSpec_To_ignite_VMImageSpec(in *VMImageSpec, out *ignite.VMImageSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_v1alpha1_VMImageSpec_To_ignite_VMImageSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_v1alpha1_VMKernelSpec_To_ignite_VMKernelSpec

func Convert_v1alpha1_VMKernelSpec_To_ignite_VMKernelSpec(in *VMKernelSpec, out *ignite.VMKernelSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_v1alpha1_VMKernelSpec_To_ignite_VMKernelSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_v1alpha1_VMNetworkSpec_To_ignite_VMNetworkSpec

func Convert_v1alpha1_VMNetworkSpec_To_ignite_VMNetworkSpec(in *VMNetworkSpec, out *ignite.VMNetworkSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_v1alpha1_VMNetworkSpec_To_ignite_VMNetworkSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_v1alpha1_VMSpec_To_ignite_VMSpec

func Convert_v1alpha1_VMSpec_To_ignite_VMSpec(in *VMSpec, out *ignite.VMSpec, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_ignite_VMSpec_To_v1alpha1_VMSpec calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func Convert_v1alpha1_VMStatus_To_ignite_VMStatus

func Convert_v1alpha1_VMStatus_To_ignite_VMStatus(in *VMStatus, out *ignite.VMStatus, s conversion.Scope) error

Convert_v1alpha1_VMStatus_To_ignite_VMStatus calls the autogenerated conversion function along with custom conversion logic

func SetDefaults_OCIImageClaim

func SetDefaults_OCIImageClaim(obj *OCIImageClaim)

func SetDefaults_PoolSpec

func SetDefaults_PoolSpec(obj *PoolSpec)

func SetDefaults_VMKernelSpec

func SetDefaults_VMKernelSpec(obj *VMKernelSpec)

func SetDefaults_VMNetworkSpec

func SetDefaults_VMNetworkSpec(obj *VMNetworkSpec)

func SetDefaults_VMSpec

func SetDefaults_VMSpec(obj *VMSpec)

func SetDefaults_VMStatus

func SetDefaults_VMStatus(obj *VMStatus)

type FileMapping

type FileMapping struct {
    HostPath string `json:"hostPath"`
    VMPath   string `json:"vmPath"`

FileMapping defines mappings between files on the host and VM

type Image

type Image struct {
    runtime.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    // runtime.ObjectMeta is also embedded into the struct, and defines the human-readable name, and the machine-readable ID
    // Name is available at the .metadata.name JSON path
    // ID is available at the .metadata.uid JSON path (the Go type is k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types.UID, which is only a typed string)
    runtime.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"`

    Spec   ImageSpec   `json:"spec"`
    Status ImageStatus `json:"status"`

Image represents a cached OCI image ready to be used with Ignite +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object

type ImageSourceType

type ImageSourceType string

ImageSourceType is an enum of different supported Image Source Types

const (
    // ImageSourceTypeDocker defines that the image is imported from Docker
    ImageSourceTypeDocker ImageSourceType = "Docker"

type ImageSpec

type ImageSpec struct {
    OCIClaim OCIImageClaim `json:"ociClaim"`

ImageSpec declares what the image contains

type ImageStatus

type ImageStatus struct {
    // OCISource contains the information about how this OCI image was imported
    OCISource OCIImageSource `json:"ociSource"`

ImageStatus defines the status of the image

type Kernel

type Kernel struct {
    runtime.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    // runtime.ObjectMeta is also embedded into the struct, and defines the human-readable name, and the machine-readable ID
    // Name is available at the .metadata.name JSON path
    // ID is available at the .metadata.uid JSON path (the Go type is k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types.UID, which is only a typed string)
    runtime.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"`

    Spec   KernelSpec   `json:"spec"`
    Status KernelStatus `json:"status"`

Kernel is a serializable object that caches information about imported kernels This file is stored in /var/lib/firecracker/kernels/{oci-image-digest}/metadata.json +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object

type KernelSpec

type KernelSpec struct {
    OCIClaim OCIImageClaim `json:"ociClaim"`

KernelSpec describes the properties of a kernel

type KernelStatus

type KernelStatus struct {
    Version   string         `json:"version"`
    OCISource OCIImageSource `json:"ociSource"`

KernelStatus describes the status of a kernel

type NetworkMode

type NetworkMode string

NetworkMode defines different states a VM can be in

const (
    // NetworkModeCNI specifies the network mode where CNI is used
    NetworkModeCNI NetworkMode = "cni"
    // NetworkModeDockerBridge specifies the default docker bridge network is used
    NetworkModeDockerBridge NetworkMode = "docker-bridge"

func (NetworkMode) String

func (nm NetworkMode) String() string

type OCIImageClaim

type OCIImageClaim struct {
    // Type defines how the image should be imported
    Type ImageSourceType `json:"type"`
    // Ref defines the reference to use when talking to the backend.
    // This is most commonly the image name, followed by a tag.
    // Other supported ways are $registry/$user/$image@sha256:$digest
    // This ref is also used as ObjectMeta.Name for kinds Images and Kernels
    Ref meta.OCIImageRef `json:"ref"`

OCIImageClaim defines a claim for importing an OCI image

type OCIImageSource

type OCIImageSource struct {
    // ID defines the source's ID (e.g. the Docker image ID)
    ID string `json:"id"`
    // Size defines the size of the source in bytes
    Size meta.Size `json:"size"`
    // RepoDigests defines the image name as it was when pulled
    // from a repository, and the digest of the image
    // The format is $registry/$user/$image@sha256:$digest
    // This field is unpopulated if the image used as the source
    // has never been pushed to or pulled from a registry
    RepoDigests []string `json:"repoDigests,omitempty"`

OCIImageSource specifies how the OCI image was imported. It is the status variant of OCIImageClaim

type Pool

type Pool struct {
    runtime.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`

    Spec   PoolSpec   `json:"spec"`
    Status PoolStatus `json:"status"`

Pool defines device mapper pool database This file is managed by the snapshotter part of Ignite, and the file (existing as a singleton) is present at /var/lib/firecracker/snapshotter/pool.json +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object

type PoolDevice

type PoolDevice struct {
    Size   meta.Size `json:"size"`
    Parent meta.DMID `json:"parent"`
    // Type specifies the type of the contents of the device
    Type PoolDeviceType `json:"type"`
    // MetadataPath points to the JSON/YAML file with metadata about this device
    // This is most often of the format /var/lib/firecracker/{type}/{id}/metadata.json
    MetadataPath string `json:"metadataPath"`

PoolDevice defines one device in the pool

type PoolDeviceType

type PoolDeviceType string
const (
    PoolDeviceTypeImage  PoolDeviceType = "Image"
    PoolDeviceTypeResize PoolDeviceType = "Resize"
    PoolDeviceTypeKernel PoolDeviceType = "Kernel"
    PoolDeviceTypeVM     PoolDeviceType = "VM"

type PoolSpec

type PoolSpec struct {
    // MetadataSize specifies the size of the pool's metadata
    MetadataSize meta.Size `json:"metadataSize"`
    // DataSize specifies the size of the pool's data
    DataSize meta.Size `json:"dataSize"`
    // AllocationSize specifies the smallest size that can be allocated at a time
    AllocationSize meta.Size `json:"allocationSize"`
    // MetadataPath points to the file where device mapper stores all metadata information
    // Defaults to constants.SNAPSHOTTER_METADATA_PATH
    MetadataPath string `json:"metadataPath"`
    // DataPath points to the backing physical device or sparse file (to be loop mounted) for the pool
    // Defaults to constants.SNAPSHOTTER_DATA_PATH
    DataPath string `json:"dataPath"`

PoolSpec defines the Pool’s specification

type PoolStatus

type PoolStatus struct {
    // The Devices array needs to contain pointers to accommodate "holes" in the mapping
    // Where devices have been deleted, the pointer is nil
    Devices []*PoolDevice `json:"devices"`

PoolStatus defines the Pool’s current status

type SSH

type SSH struct {
    Generate  bool   `json:"-"`
    PublicKey string `json:"-"`

SSH specifies different ways to connect via SSH to the VM SSH uses a custom marshaller/unmarshaller. If generate is true, it marshals to true (a JSON bool). If PublicKey is set, it marshals to that string.

func (*SSH) MarshalJSON

func (s *SSH) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*SSH) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *SSH) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type VM

type VM struct {
    runtime.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
    // runtime.ObjectMeta is also embedded into the struct, and defines the human-readable name, and the machine-readable ID
    // Name is available at the .metadata.name JSON path
    // ID is available at the .metadata.uid JSON path (the Go type is k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types.UID, which is only a typed string)
    runtime.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"`

    Spec   VMSpec   `json:"spec"`
    Status VMStatus `json:"status"`

VM represents a virtual machine run by Firecracker These files are stored in /var/lib/firecracker/vm/{vm-id}/metadata.json +k8s:deepcopy-gen:interfaces=k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime.Object

type VMImageSpec

type VMImageSpec struct {
    OCIClaim OCIImageClaim `json:"ociClaim"`

type VMKernelSpec

type VMKernelSpec struct {
    OCIClaim OCIImageClaim `json:"ociClaim"`
    CmdLine  string        `json:"cmdLine,omitempty"`

type VMNetworkSpec

type VMNetworkSpec struct {
    Mode  NetworkMode       `json:"mode"`
    Ports meta.PortMappings `json:"ports,omitempty"`

type VMSpec

type VMSpec struct {
    Image    VMImageSpec   `json:"image"`
    Kernel   VMKernelSpec  `json:"kernel"`
    CPUs     uint64        `json:"cpus"`
    Memory   meta.Size     `json:"memory"`
    DiskSize meta.Size     `json:"diskSize"`
    Network  VMNetworkSpec `json:"network"`

    // This will be done at either "ignite start" or "ignite create" time
    // TODO: We might revisit this later
    CopyFiles []FileMapping `json:"copyFiles,omitempty"`
    // SSH specifies how the SSH setup should be done
    // nil here means "don't do anything special"
    // If SSH.Generate is set, Ignite will generate a new SSH key and copy it in to authorized_keys in the VM
    // Specifying a path in SSH.Generate means "use this public key"
    // If SSH.PublicKey is set, this struct will marshal as a string using that path
    // If SSH.Generate is set, this struct will marshal as a bool => true
    SSH *SSH `json:"ssh,omitempty"`

VMSpec describes the configuration of a VM

type VMState

type VMState string

VMState defines different states a VM can be in

const (
    VMStateCreated VMState = "Created"
    VMStateRunning VMState = "Running"
    VMStateStopped VMState = "Stopped"

type VMStatus

type VMStatus struct {
    State       VMState          `json:"state"`
    IPAddresses meta.IPAddresses `json:"ipAddresses,omitempty"`
    Image       OCIImageSource   `json:"image"`
    Kernel      OCIImageSource   `json:"kernel"`

VMStatus defines the status of a VM

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